Safe Environment Commitment

The Diocese of Green Bay is committed to creating, providing, and maintaining safe environments in all its parishes, schools, and other institutions so that all persons, especially children, youth, and individuals at risk, will be protected as far as possible from all harm including physical and sexual abuse.

Awarity Incident Reporting System

Awareity is a comprehensive platform for reporting, tracking, and documenting incidents and concerns, making it simple and confidential to share red flag behaviors such as:

  • Harassment
  • Boundary issues
  • Threats of violence
  • Concerning behavior by clergy, staff, or volunteers
  • Misconduct
  • Anything that you may find stressful or out of the ordinary and feel compelled to bring forward regarding clergy, staff, or volunteers

The goal of Awareity is prevention and to help identify red flags and warning signs before an incident occurs or escalates.

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VIRTUSĀ® is the brand name that identifies best practices’ programs designed to help prevent wrongdoing and promote “right doing” within religious organizations and to raise awareness regarding sexual abuse in our Church and society. The National Catholic Risk Retention Group Inc. created VIRTUS to empower organizations, people to better control risk, and improve the lives of all those who interact with the Church through a continuous process of training and information.