St. Stanislaus Cemetery Road

St. Stanislaus Parish has taken on the project of replacing the road that winds through the St. Stanislaus Cemetery.  Some preliminary work has been done on it this fall.  Black topping the road in the spring is the next phase to complete the project.

Donations toward this project will be greatly appreciated.  St. Stanislaus parishioners can use the “Cemetery” Envelope in their envelope packet.  Others who would like to donate may send their donations to St. Stanislaus Parish, PO Box 379, Pulaski, WI  54162.

Mass Intentions for 2024 ABVM and St. Stanislaus

We have started taking Mass Intentions for 2024.  Please stop in at the parish office or send in your requests by mail or email.

  • 5 masses yearly per person
  • Of the 5 masses, 2 may be scheduled on a weekend, 1 single mass and 1 multiple mass intention and 3 scheduled during the week
  • Mass Offerings are $10 per mass.

St. Casimir Mass Intentions should be directed to Mary Rodgers at the St. Casimir parish office at 920-899-3621