Three Parishes, One Family
Assumption Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Stanislaus, and St. Casimir
Churches welcome you to our Catholic Family!
Join us for Mass
Mass times for each of our church locations are listed below. Click “Get Directions” to find the church on Google Maps.
Assumption BVM
Saturday | 4:00 pm |
Sunday | 8:00 and 10:30 am |
Tuesday | 8:00 am |
Wednesday | 8:00 am |
Thursday | 8:15 am |
Friday | 8:00 am |
Witamy! Welcome!

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Casimir, and St. Stanislaus welcome you to our Catholic family. Our Polish hospitality can’t be surpassed! With a mix of tradition, new evangelization – and the tastiest Polish food you’ve ever eaten – we celebrate our faith as three churches, one family of God.
Polish-American Church & School
As sister parishes, we share a common identity as Polish-American Catholics serving the Lord and serving others. Grounded in the Franciscan tradition, our linked parishes offer many opportunities to grow in faith and spread God’s Word. One of the opportunities for faith growth is Assumption B.V.M. Catholic school. Our 3-year-old preschool to fifth-grade school is a Christ-centered learning environment that advances educational excellence and discipleship.
Living & Spreading the Catholic Faith
Faith is contagious! Our parishes enable everyone to be disciples and spread God’s Word. What happens outside the four walls of our church matters as much as what happens inside. Thus, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Casimir, and St. Stanislaus contribute not only to the Pulaski community. We also support those in need in Northeast Wisconsin, the nation, and the world.
Serving Others from Pulaski, Wisconsin
Of the three linked parishes, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the largest. Assumption BVM is located in the Village of Pulaski, Wisconsin, whereas St. Casimir and St. Stanislaus are rural parishes located to the north and west of Pulaski. St. Casimir is 7 miles north, and St. Stanislaus is 7 miles west. Together, the three parishes minister to the people of the Pulaski community, from womb to tomb.
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